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Small science, big questions

OTTAWA — Nanotechnology, the science of manipulating objects smaller than 100 nanometers — more than 800 times smaller than the width of a human hair — is the tiny technology poised to permanently change the world, helping to produce everything from stronger building materials to microscopic cancer-fighting tools. But this wonder technology may also open a Pandora’s Box of hidden dangers. 

Digital model of a carbon nanotube.

Nanoparticles and tiny terrors

While nanomaterials are generally smaller forms of existing chemical compounds, they can exhibit new and unpredictable characteristics at this microscopic scale. “For example, gold at the ‘nano’ size appears red, but is still gold. Silver, on the other hand, looks blue,” says Benoit Simard, program leader at the Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences in Ottawa.

The rising concern is that chemicals which are benign at the macro scale, can exhibit toxic effects at the nano scale, or that they may be able to travel to parts of the human body that larger-sized particles can’t reach, says Mooney.

Nano nano everywhere

Today, nano materials can be found in skin creams, sunscreens and food applications. The Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies' Consumer Products Inventory is a catalogue of the nanotechnology-based consumer products currently on the market. This database, for example, lists more than 350 consumer products already on sale to the public, none of them specifically regulated as nanomaterials.

“There’s a concern of putting it on your body, given the small size and the industry’s difficulty in controlling the size; it can enter the cells of your body, the blood brain barrier, the placenta and go undetected by the immune system — If that’s the case, it’s a major risk,” says Pat Mooney, executive director of ETC Group, an Ottawa-based non-profit organization that studies the environmental and social impact of emerging technologies.

A mite examines a gear chain produced using nanotechnology.

Despite the risks, governments aren’t doing much to regulate this new technology. At present there are no laws in industrialized countries governing the manufacture or applications of nanotechnology.

There is no requirement that a chemical compound being used at a macro scale be re-evaluated for use at a nano scale, even if its characteristics are completely different.

What are the risks to regulate?

A recent report in the science journal Nature criticized the federal government and Canadian industry for failing to mandate appropriate testing on nanotechnologies before releasing them to the public.

The precautionary principle is not being exercised by governments and citizens should be concerned about it, says Mooney.

Mooney says there probably are risks associated with this technology but the problem is that these risks have yet to be identified.

"We're eating [nanotechnology], we're using it in all kinds of products that we wear on our skin and our clothing, and yet governments have no capacity to understand or regulate it."

Dendrimer complex docking on cellular folate receptors. (use as thumbail, too)

Risk assessment: biological systems

So far, there are two broad categories of risk assessment happening in this field: on biological systems and the environment. The first, biological systems, studies the effects of nanoparticles on individual cells up to more sophisticated organisms such as vertebrate animals.

Kristen Kulinowski, director of the International Council on Nanotechnology at Rice University in Houston, Texas, says a lot of work has been done in this area, such as examining how nanoparticles interact with bacteria or how they accumulate in cells.

“The good news is we're finding some simple ways to control the degree of a particle's toxicity, like sliding a dimmer switch on a lamp. This control means we can make the particle toxic only under certain desirable circumstances, such as when we want to cure a disease,” says Kulinowski.

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At this point there have been relatively few studies done in this area of nanomaterials and as such, it is difficult to draw up a “big picture.” Some studies show that the body can process and excrete nanoparticles with no trouble. Others show that high concentrations of these particles can cause cellular damage.

Kulinowski says nanomaterials have the potential to cause oxidative damage: to punch holes in cell membranes and kill cells in culture. Right now, she says, the question looking to be answered is: “how much is too much?”

Risk assessment: The environment

The second major category that is being considered is the environment. Studies are being done to understand how nanomaterials accumulate in the water or earth and if they pose a risk.

Scientists want to figure out if they are disrupting the balance of bacteria in a water supply and what happens to nanoparticles after a long period of time if they become part of a waste stream.

However, sustainability is the real issue, says Kulinowski. The goal at this point is to develop manufacturing processes and materials that have an environmentally benign lifecycle from the time they’re produced in the factory to when they end up in a landfill, says Mooney.

Fullerene nanogears.

Nanotechnology: The potential cancer killer?

Despite sometimes harrowing headlines, nanotechnology’s future isn’t so grim. Biomedical applications are at the top of the list of tools being developed from this technology. “’Nano cures cancer!’ -- I can't wait to see that headline, backed up by a solid body of peer-reviewed science,” says Kulinowski.

Professor Jennifer West at Rice University is currently doing work that involves injecting nanoparticles into the body, where they naturally concentrate in tumor sites where there is a lot of blood flow into nearby tissue.

Because these nanoparticles can be manipulated to respond to different wavelengths of light – depending on their size – they can tweaked to absorb a form of light that passes through healthy tissue but that can heat up the nanoshells to kill the cancer. Tests are ongoing at Rice University.

Environmental benefits: Purifying our water

Next comes environmental benefits, water purification systems are being revisited using nanostructured water-filtration membranes which, according to Kulinowski, could potentially solve the world’s drinking-water problems.

These are filters with tiny pores that only allow certain molecules, such as water, to pass through while trapping larger particles like bacteria. While these kinds of membranes are currently made using different materials, nano-based materials may prove to be more effective and ultimately cheaper.

“Right now we're using Victorian-era technology to clean and purify our water supplies,” says Kulinowski.

A protein nanotube.

Nanoparticles under the microscope

Although this technology holds a lot of promise, progress certainly won’t come overnight as laboratory science is meticulous and painstaking by nature.

“But within three to five years, we'll have a better understanding of how to coat or chemically alter nanoparticles to reduce their toxicity to the body, which will allow us to broaden their use for disease diagnosis and for drug delivery,” says Simard. He says that within that same timeframe, there will be better understanding about how not to disturb the environment with these materials.

Nanotechnology: A model for emergent technologies

Meanwhile, promising new technologies often find themselves in the limelight of both alarmists and the hyperbolic. Genetically modified foods were once hailed as the miracle solution to world hunger, while simultaneously being labeled as the destroyer of the natural order.

Nanotechnology is similar to its contentious predecessors in that it can either alleviate material need or eradicate humanity’s reign on Earth. It is because of its potential to change the world that there is rising public debate over its benefits and risks.

Related Links

A Nanotechnology Consumer Products Inventory

Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology by Eric K. Drexler. The entire text of the book, which deals with nanotechnology and its possibilities. A must read for everybody!

Wired reality check about nanotechnology. When can we expect to see nanotechnology?

What is the precautionary principle?     

The precautionary principle is a distinct feature within science-based risk management.

It states that the absence of full scientific certainty shall not serve as a valid reason to postpone decisions when the public is faced with the threat of severe harm.

Canada has a long-standing history of implementing the precautionary approach in science-based programs of health and safety, environmental protection and natural resources conservation.

Source: Environment Canada


Nano in fiction

Science fiction author Eric Drexler first warned the world of this technology in 1986 when he wrote about “grey goo,” the apocalyptic scenario that erupted from a careless approach to nano-science.

His scenario painted the picture of an Earth plagued with tiny, self-replicating nanobots that eventually consumed all living matter, leaving only grey goo in its wake.

This concept aroused the imagination of many, but scientists were quick to point out that it was more fiction than reality.

Although this grave picture isn’t a pressing concern today, nanotechnology still brings with it a range of very real, potential risks.



1959: Richard Feynman presents his famous paper on nanotechnology “There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom” on December 29th at the annual meeting of the American Physical Society at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).

1981: Eric Drexler publishes the first journal article on molecular nanotechnology: "Molecular engineering: An approach to the development of general capabilities for molecular manipulation.“

1986: Eric Drexler writes Engines of Creation, which describes his goal of molecular manufacturing, the manufacture of nanoscale devices and artefacts capable of sophisticated operations.

1996: Robert F. Curl Jr. and Richard E. Smalley, both of Rice University in Houston, Texas and Harold W. Kroto of the University of Sussex in England, win the 1996 Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their discovery of buckminsterfullerene, the scientific name for buckyballs.

2002: The US Army awards a five-year contract to MIT to develop the US Army Institute of Soldier Nanotechnologies, a research unit devoted to developing military applications for nanotechnology.

Source: “Nanotechnology: Opportunities and Challenges”, M. Meyyappan, Director, Center for Nanotechnology, NASA Ames Research Center


© Carleton University School of Journalism and Communication