Political Perspectives is produced by the students and faculty of Carleton University's School of Journalism and Communication, Canada's oldest journalism school.


More on gender gap

Posted by padams under Election 2008, Election 2008 Campaign strategy, Election 2008 Media commentary

Paul Adams

David Akin sent this after my earlier blogs on gender gap:

Ipsos Reid, as you may know, is the pollster retained (hired) by Canwest News Service, which is my employer. More than 1.5 million Canadians subscribe to a Canwest daily paper. The day before you posted this, those 1.5 million subscribers read a poll, taken by a competitor of the firm you work for, which addressed gender issues. I wrote the story. I don’t get paid by Ipsos or have any financial in any polling company but I thought you’d like to know that at least one other pollster has been surveying on this issue.

Here’s the Victoria Times-Colonist’s pick-up of the Ipsos gender poll.

Paul Adams is a former political reporter with CBC and the Globe and Mail, and is now a member of Carleton’s journalism faculty, and executive director of EKOS Research Associates.