Death of the iPod? Mar05

Death of the iPod?

Online apps are where the future of music is headed, leaving the iPod going the way of VHS, the walkman and the dodo bird.

The Peak Performance Project: Lifting B.C. musicians to new heights Mar05

The Peak Performance Project: Lifting B.C. musicians to new heights...

The Peak Performance Project has moulded hopeful B.C. musicians into successful acts and even Juno winners. What is the contest doing right?

From daycare to drag: Moonlighting in the capital Mar05

From daycare to drag: Moonlighting in the capital...

Nobody at her day job seems to care that Shade Nyx performs as a burlesque fetish-queen by night. Has Ottawa town finally shed some of its uptight manners?

L’Oscar: Quebec filmmakers take Hollywood Mar05

L’Oscar: Quebec filmmakers take Hollywood...

Move over, David Cronenberg. Currently it’s Quebec’s directors and francophone cinema that are drawing the world’s eye. Quebec filmmakers are reaching global audiences, dominating festivals, getting Oscar nods—and leading the rest of Canada. Why suddenly now?

Getting ‘Down’: The rise of social sex apps Mar05

Getting ‘Down’: The rise of social sex apps...

More and more young adults are using social sex apps like Tinder and Down. These dynamic new media are changing how people form relationships.

This year’s vintage Mar05

This year’s vintage...

In wearing vintage clothes, how can you show individual style? Answer: The vintage mash-up outfit, the newest trend in what’s old.